Торрент софт » Антивирусы » Symantec Endpoint Protection (14.2 RU1 MP1) build 4815 (14.2.4815.1101) (2019) РС | Mac OS | Linux скачать торрент файл бесплатно


Symantec Endpoint Protection (14.2 RU1 MP1) build 4815 (14.2.4815.1101) (2019) РС | Mac OS | Linux

Автор: Baguvix от 27-09-2019, 23:27, Посмотрело: 1 679, Обсуждения: 0

Symantec Endpoint Protection (14.2 RU1 MP1) build 4815 (14.2.4815.1101)  (2019) РС | Mac OS | Linux
Версия программы: (14.2 RU1 MP1) build 4815 (14.2.4815.1101)
Официальный сайт: Symantec
Язык интерфейса: Русский
Для неуправляемого клиента: бесплатно
Присутствует (триал до 2030 года)

Системные требования:
Windows 7/8/8.1/10/Server 2008/Server 2012/Server 2012 R2/Server 2016/Windows Server 2019 (added for 14.2 MP1)
Процессор с тактовой частотой не ниже 1 ГГц
1 ГБ оперативной памяти (рекомендуется 2 ГБ)
850 МБ свободного места на жестком диске

Операционная система:
Mac OS X 10.11 и MacOS 10.12, 10.13, 10.14
Операционная система:
Amazon Linux
? CentOS 6U3 - 6U9, 7 - 7U5; 32-bit and 64-bit
? Debian 6.0.5 Squeeze, Debian 8 Jessie; 32-bit and 64-bit
? Fedora 16, 17; 32-bit and 64-bit
? Oracle Linux (OEL) 6U2, 6U4, 6U5, 6U8; 7, 7U1, 7U2, 7U3б 7U4
? Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (RHEL) 6U2 - 6U9, 7 - 7U6
? SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 SP1 - 11 SP4, 32-bit and 64-bit; 12, 12 SP1
- 12 SP3, 64-bit
? SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 11 SP1 - 11 SP4, 32-bit and 64-bit; 12 SP3,
? Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04, 16.04, 18.04; 32-bit and 64-bit

Symantec Endpoint Protection объединяет Symantec AntiVirus™ и усовершенствованное средство предотвращения угроз, обеспечивая непревзойденную защиту переносных и настольных компьютеров, а также серверов от вредоносных программ. Кроме того, обеспечивается защита даже от наиболее сложных, неуловимых для традиционных средств безопасности атак, таких как руткит, эксплойт «нулевого дня» и изменяющиеся программы-шпионы.
Symantec Endpoint Protection предоставляет не только передовую в отрасли антивирусную защиту, но также основанную на сигнатурах защиту от программ-шпионов. Это решение также обеспечивает предотвращение угроз, что позволяет защитить конечные точки от целенаправленных и неизвестных атак. Оно включает готовые активные технологии, которые автоматически анализируют поведение приложений и сетевых подключений для обнаружения и блокировки подозрительных действий, а также возможности администрирования, позволяющие запретить определенные действия устройств и приложений, которые считаются крайне опасными для организации.

Symantec Endpoint Protection (14.2 RU1 MP1) build 4815 (14.2.4815.1101)  (2019) РС | Mac OS | Linux Symantec Endpoint Protection (14.2 RU1 MP1) build 4815 (14.2.4815.1101)  (2019) РС | Mac OS | Linux Symantec Endpoint Protection (14.2 RU1 MP1) build 4815 (14.2.4815.1101)  (2019) РС | Mac OS | Linux Symantec Endpoint Protection (14.2 RU1 MP1) build 4815 (14.2.4815.1101)  (2019) РС | Mac OS | Linux

Загрузил: Baguvix (27 сентября 2019 23:25)
Взяли: 378 | Размер: 1,63 Gb
Последняя активность: не наблюдалась
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 11 Качают: 2 Скачали: 174
Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_14.2.1_MP1(4815)_RU (1668 файлов)
Crack (2 файла)
txt ReadMe.txt (91 b)
file sep_trial.slf (1,2 Kb)
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1049 (1 файл)
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SEP (20 файлов)
CommonAppData (2 файла)
Symc (1 файл)
Name (1 файл)
Version (1 файл)
Data (7 файлов)
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file BASHIntl.000 (1,47 Kb)
file BASHIntl.dat (1,47 Kb)
file BASHOpts.000 (8,41 Kb)
file BASHOpts.dat (8,41 Kb)
Config (15 файлов)
file COUNTRY.DAT (3,88 Kb)
file Dec3.cfg (640 b)
file EoC.xsd (13,6 Kb)
file PLATFORM.DAT (103 b)
file Scancfg.dat (492 b)
file SyLink.xml (614 b)
file TSysConf.xml (182 b)
file cltdef.dat (64,61 Kb)
file default.dat (34,33 Kb)
file prodcltdef.dat (64,61 Kb)
file prodserdef.dat (33,44 Kb)
file protection.dat (21,77 Kb)
file sdi.dat (1,25 Kb)
file serdef.dat (33,44 Kb)
file stddef.dat (34,33 Kb)
IPS (3 файла)
file IDSSettg.dat (2,63 Kb)
file NGFW_CONFIG.dat (2 Kb)
file PEP_RUL.DAT (3 Kb)
IRON (1 файл)
file Iron.db (21 Kb)
SRTSP (1 файл)
file SRTSPP.DAT (32,33 Kb)
symnetdrv (8 файлов)
file CONFIG_CUR.dat (90,5 Kb)
file CONFIG_ORG.dat (90,5 Kb)
file LOCALCONFIG_CUR.dat (3 Kb)
file LOCALCONFIG_ORG.dat (3 Kb)
file LocationMap.dat (2 Kb)
file SET_CUR.dat (3,5 Kb)
file SET_ORG.dat (3 Kb)
file TrustDB.dat (2 Kb)
file SymPP.inf (743 b)
tags (2 файла)
file regid.1992-12.com.symantec_SEP.swidtag (16,87 Kb)
file regid.1992-12.com.symantec_SEP_Windows_Client.swidtag (15,58 Kb)
Program Files (1 файл)
Symantec (1 файл)
Name (1 файл)
Version (4 файла)
Bin (278 файлов)
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file ClientHelp.chm (349,74 Kb)
SPManifests (36 файлов)
file BASH.grd (230 b)
file BASH.sig (2,54 Kb)
file BASH.spm (2,59 Kb)
file SymEFA.grd (227 b)
file SymEFA.sig (3,23 Kb)
file SymEFA.spm (3,02 Kb)
file ccCommon.grd (234 b)
file ccCommon.sig (2,55 Kb)
file ccCommon.spm (2,03 Kb)
file cids.grd (230 b)
file cids.sig (2,55 Kb)
file cids.spm (2,5 Kb)
file iron.grd (230 b)
file iron.sig (2,54 Kb)
file iron.spm (1,29 Kb)
file scs-sav.grd (301 b)
file scs-sav.sig (3,24 Kb)
file scs-sav.spm (48,88 Kb)
file sep-msi.grd (233 b)
file sep-msi.sig (2,21 Kb)
file sep-msi.spm (640 b)
file sep-saep.grd (302 b)
file sep-saep.sig (3,24 Kb)
file sep-saep.spm (8,74 Kb)
file snd.grd (229 b)
file snd.sig (2,55 Kb)
file snd.spm (3,02 Kb)
file srt.grd (229 b)
file srt.sig (2,54 Kb)
file srt.spm (2,93 Kb)
file symelam.grd (288 b)
file symelam.sig (2,55 Kb)
file symelam.spm (1,42 Kb)
file symevnt.grd (233 b)
file symevnt.sig (2,22 Kb)
file symevnt.spm (3,77 Kb)
TeeferVista (3 файла)
file teefer.cat (8,23 Kb)
file teefer.inf (2,99 Kb)
file teefer.sys (107,76 Kb)
TeeferWin8 (3 файла)
file teefer.cat (10,05 Kb)
file teefer.inf (2,99 Kb)
file teefer.sys (112,76 Kb)
file AVHostPlugin.dll (3,71 Mb)
file AVMan.plg (68,63 Kb)
file AVProxy.dll (195,13 Kb)
file AVUtil.dll (50,13 Kb)
file AgentCore.dll (69,13 Kb)
file AppLearningMgr.dll (97,63 Kb)
file AtpiEim.dll (1,34 Mb)
file AtpiEimProxy.dll (135,13 Kb)
file AtpiMan.plg (99,63 Kb)
exe AutoExcl.exe (975,13 Kb)
file AvPluginImpl.dll (509,63 Kb)
file BHClient.dll (308,05 Kb)
file BHSvcPlg.dll (171,55 Kb)
file BashEim.dll (1,11 Mb)
file BashEimProxy.dll (134,63 Kb)
file BashMan.plg (89,63 Kb)
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file CIDSMan.plg (507,63 Kb)
file CIdsEim.dll (447,13 Kb)
exe Checksum.exe (764,63 Kb)
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file CidsTrayStatus.dll (187,13 Kb)
file Cliproxy.dll (369,13 Kb)
file CommonMan.plg (48,13 Kb)
file Communicator.dll (1,54 Mb)
exe ControlAP.exe (426,13 Kb)
file CsrssDrv.sys (232,54 Kb)
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file DefUtDCD.dll (485,05 Kb)
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exe DevViewer.exe (2,44 Mb)
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file DotNetHookDll.dll (19,13 Kb)
file DotNetHookDllCs.dll (48,63 Kb)
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file EDRMgr.dll (312,63 Kb)
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file ELAMCli.dll (65,55 Kb)
file EdrCmp.dll (3,16 Mb)
file EdrIpc.dll (43,63 Kb)
file EimLoader.dll (117,13 Kb)
file EntitlementMan.plg (69,13 Kb)
file ExchngUI.ocx (142,63 Kb)
file FWTrayStatus.dll (210,63 Kb)
exe FixExtend.exe (40,63 Kb)
file FwsVpn.dll (212,63 Kb)
file GEDataStore.dll (313,63 Kb)
file GUProxy.plg (300,63 Kb)
file HITrayStatus.dll (71,63 Kb)
file HPPProtectionProviderUI.dll (540,63 Kb)
file HidMan.plg (54,13 Kb)
file IDSAux.dll (111,05 Kb)
file IPSPlug.dll (146,05 Kb)
file IdsTrafficPipe.dll (238,13 Kb)
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file IronUser.dll (62,05 Kb)
file LDDateTm.ocx (146,63 Kb)
file LDVPCtls.ocx (495,13 Kb)
file LDVPDlgs.ocx (439,13 Kb)
file LPSSvc.dll (59,13 Kb)
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file LUSub.dll (75,05 Kb)
file LicenseMan.dll (2,92 Mb)
file LocalRep.plg (46,63 Kb)
file LuAuth.dll (63,13 Kb)
file LuCtl.dll (55,55 Kb)
file LuEng.dll (1,26 Mb)
file LuSvc.dll (64,55 Kb)
file LueEim.dll (773,63 Kb)
file LueEimProxy.dll (185,63 Kb)
exe MigrateUserScans.exe (112,13 Kb)
file NTRMan.plg (140,63 Kb)
file NTRMgr.dll (62,63 Kb)
file NacManager.plg (94,13 Kb)
file NetDscvr.dll (543,02 Kb)
file NetSecHstPlugin.dll (640,13 Kb)
file NetSecMan.plg (126,13 Kb)
file Netport.dll (148,13 Kb)
file OutlookSessionPlugin.dll (52,63 Kb)
file PSSensor.dll (43,63 Kb)
file PTPTrayStatus.dll (31,13 Kb)
exe PatchWrap.exe (44,63 Kb)
file PatchWrapPS.dll (24,63 Kb)
file PchCmp.dll (3,16 Mb)
file PchMgr.dll (2,1 Mb)
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file ProfileManagement.dll (247,63 Kb)
file ProfileManagementClient.dll (113,63 Kb)
file ProfileMgrMan.plg (70,13 Kb)
file ProtectionProviderPS.dll (47,13 Kb)
file ProtectionUtil.dll (277,13 Kb)
file ProxyClt.dll (112,13 Kb)
file PushInst.dll (341,52 Kb)
file QsInfo.dll (79,63 Kb)
file RasSymEap.dll (84,13 Kb)
file RebootMgrEim.dll (324,13 Kb)
file RebootMgrEimProxy.dll (107,13 Kb)
file RebootMgrMan.plg (97,13 Kb)
file RepMgtEimProxy.dll (69,13 Kb)
file RepMgtMan.plg (55,13 Kb)
file RepMgtTim.dll (184,13 Kb)
file ReportSubmission.dll (116,63 Kb)
exe RtvStart.exe (33,63 Kb)
file RunOnceSessionPlugin.dll (56,13 Kb)
file SAEPSvcHstPlugin.dll (87,63 Kb)
file SAVSesHlp.dll (139,13 Kb)
file SAVStatusFinder.dll (47,63 Kb)
file SAVTrayStatus.dll (31,13 Kb)
file SDPCK32I.dll (178,24 Kb)
file SEPJobController.dll (48,63 Kb)
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file SEPSessionPlugin.dll (362,63 Kb)
file SETDAD.Collector.exe.config (317 b)
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file SpNet.dll (410,13 Kb)
file SpocClnt.dll (645,63 Kb)
file SticLdr.dll (48,13 Kb)
file SubmissionBinding.dll (1,08 Mb)
file SubmissionsEim.dll (1,28 Mb)
file SubmissionsEimProxy.dll (150,13 Kb)
file SubmissionsMan.plg (86,13 Kb)
file SubmissionsSISCustomAction.dll (189,63 Kb)
file SubmissionsSISOptOutCustomAction.dll (186,13 Kb)
file SyDvCtrl32.sys (40,99 Kb)
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file SymVPNImpl.dll (415,63 Kb)
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file csdkPCH.dll (2,21 Mb)
file csdkVR.dll (494,13 Kb)
file csrssdll32.dll (1,01 Mb)
file dec_abi.dll (1,9 Mb)
file diArkive.dll (550,67 Kb)
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file dwLdPntScan.dll (43,13 Kb)
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file hwiddll.dll (167,63 Kb)
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file ldvpui.ocx (220,63 Kb)
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file libcurl-wintls.dll (378,13 Kb)
file libeay32.dll (1,23 Mb)
file libxml2.dll (1,08 Mb)
file mfc110.dll (4,22 Mb)
file mfc110chs.dll (45,08 Kb)
file mfc110cht.dll (45,08 Kb)
file mfc110deu.dll (73,08 Kb)
file mfc110enu.dll (63,58 Kb)
file mfc110esn.dll (72,08 Kb)
file mfc110fra.dll (73,08 Kb)
file mfc110ita.dll (71,08 Kb)
file mfc110jpn.dll (52,58 Kb)
file mfc110kor.dll (52,08 Kb)
file mfc110rus.dll (69,08 Kb)
file mfc110u.dll (4,25 Mb)
file mfcm110.dll (81,07 Kb)
file mfcm110u.dll (81,08 Kb)
file msl.dll (332,21 Kb)
file msvcp110.dll (522,47 Kb)
file msvcr110.dll (854,95 Kb)
file nnewdefs.dll (62,63 Kb)
file patch25d.dll (94,05 Kb)
file qscomm32.dll (185,63 Kb)
file qspak32.dll (195,63 Kb)
exe roru.exe (1,39 Mb)
file rtvscanPS.dll (93,63 Kb)
file scandlgs.dll (1,13 Mb)
file sds_loader_x86.dll (298,55 Kb)
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file sepduhandler.dll (105,63 Kb)
file setaid.dll (188,63 Kb)
exe setiCollect.exe (1,45 Mb)
exe sevinst.exe (331,59 Kb)
file sfConfig.dll (224,63 Kb)
file sis.dll (1,98 Mb)
exe sisnat.exe (363,13 Kb)
exe smcinst.exe (859,13 Kb)
file sms.dll (230,63 Kb)
exe snac.exe (341,13 Kb)
file snacnp.dll (81,63 Kb)
file sqscr.dll (63,02 Kb)
file sqsvc.dll (1,81 Mb)
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file srtspscan.dll (704,05 Kb)
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file tseConfig.dll (544,13 Kb)
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file vpmsece.dll (485,63 Kb)
file vpshell2.dll (636,13 Kb)
file webshell.dll (172,63 Kb)
Res (4 файла)
19 (1 файл)
01 (5 файлов)
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file rcEmlPxy.dll (21,71 Kb)
file rcErrDsp.dll (31,21 Kb)
file rcSvcHst.dll (17,21 Kb)
file sqRes.loc (57,52 Kb)
1049 (54 файла)
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file DoScanRes.dll (23,63 Kb)
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file GUProxyRes.dll (21,13 Kb)
file HPPProtectionProviderUIRes.dll (34,63 Kb)
file LDDateTmRes.dll (24,13 Kb)
file LDVPCtlsRes.dll (393,63 Kb)
file LDVPDlgsRes.dll (758,63 Kb)
file LDVPUIRes.dll (71,63 Kb)
file LUManRes.dll (31,13 Kb)
file LicenseManRes.dll (18,63 Kb)
file LueEimRes.dll (558,63 Kb)
file NTRManRes.dll (17,63 Kb)
file NacManagerRes.dll (17,13 Kb)
file NetSecHstPluginRes.dll (19,63 Kb)
file NetportRes.dll (18,13 Kb)
file PScanRes.dll (23,63 Kb)
file ProtectionUtilRes.dll (45,63 Kb)
file RebootMgrEimRes.dll (28,63 Kb)
file RepMgtTimRes.dll (21,13 Kb)
file SAEPSvcHstPluginRes.dll (18,13 Kb)
file SAVSesHlpRes.dll (44,13 Kb)
file SEPSessionPluginRes.dll (66,13 Kb)
file SISStatusDlgRes.dll (901,63 Kb)
file SavMainUIRes.dll (553,13 Kb)
file SavUIRes.dll (19,13 Kb)
file ScanDlgsRes.dll (365,63 Kb)
file SepManagementClientRes.dll (159,63 Kb)
file SepWin32EventLogApenderRes.dll (54,63 Kb)
file SfManRes.dll (24,13 Kb)
file SgHIRes.dll (23,13 Kb)
file SmcGuiRes.dll (386,13 Kb)
file SmcInstRes.dll (19,63 Kb)
file SmcRes.dll (72,13 Kb)
file SpNetRes.dll (199,63 Kb)
file SubmissionsEimRes.dll (21,13 Kb)
file SymCorpUIres.dll (1,82 Mb)
file SymElamEimRes.dll (16,63 Kb)
file SymProtectUIRes.dll (63,13 Kb)
file TDADSvcHstPluginRes.dll (18,63 Kb)
file ToastRes.dll (17,13 Kb)
file TseConfigRes.dll (23,13 Kb)
file TseRes.dll (23,13 Kb)
file VpshellRes.dll (19,13 Kb)
file WSCSAVNotifierRes.dll (52,63 Kb)
file WebShellRes.dll (23,13 Kb)
file vpmseceRes.dll (18,63 Kb)
file fallback.dat (4 b)
file maplngid.dat (9 b)
Scripts (4 файла)
file failure.sis (782 b)
file reboot.sis (1,08 Kb)
file startrollback.sis (750 b)
file startup.sis (388 b)
file License.rtf (2,69 Mb)
System32 (1 файл)
Drivers (1 файл)
Name (1 файл)
Version (1 файл)
BuildNum (1 файл)
x86 (20 файлов)
file SymELAM.cat (11,37 Kb)
file SymELAM.sys (22,89 Kb)
file SymNet86.inf (810 b)
file ccSetx86.inf (841 b)
file ccsetx86.cat (8,32 Kb)
file ccsetx86.sys (137,71 Kb)
file iron.cat (9,71 Kb)
file iron.inf (737 b)
file ironx86.sys (240,97 Kb)
file srtsp.cat (8,23 Kb)
file srtsp.inf (1,4 Kb)
file srtsp.sys (696,51 Kb)
file srtspx.cat (8,23 Kb)
file srtspx.inf (1,4 Kb)
file srtspx.sys (40,01 Kb)
file symELAM.inf (1,03 Kb)
file symnet86.cat (8,3 Kb)
file symnets.sys (414,01 Kb)
file symtdi.sys (373,21 Kb)
file symtdiv.sys (343,59 Kb)
zip ACDefs.zip (12,91 Kb)
zip BASHDefs.zip (6,84 Mb)
zip EDRDefs.zip (1,69 Mb)
zip IDSDefs.zip (9,77 Mb)
zip NTRDefs.zip (671,2 Kb)
zip PCHDefs.zip (1,83 Mb)
zip SMRDefs.zip (1,83 Mb)
zip STICDefs.zip (2 Mb)
msi Sep.msi (21,26 Mb)
exe Setup.exe (1,45 Mb)
file Setup.ini (289 b)
file SyLink.xml (1,56 Kb)
zip TDADDefs.zip (1,71 Mb)
file dcsagent.cab (18,78 Mb)
file sep_NE.slf (849 b)
file setAid.ini (843 b)
exe smcinst.exe (859,13 Kb)
SEPM (12 файлов)
AdditionalPackages (4 файла)
file SAVLegacy32.dat (69,53 Mb)
file SAVLegacy32.info (1,38 Kb)
file SAVLegacy64.dat (86,95 Mb)
file SAVLegacy64.info (1,38 Kb)
Packages (10 файлов)
file SAV32.dat (110,42 Mb)
file SAV32.info (1,39 Kb)
file SAV64.dat (124,57 Mb)
file SAV64.info (1,39 Kb)
file SEP_Linux_deb.dat (27,99 Mb)
file SEP_Linux_deb.info (1,36 Kb)
file SEP_Linux_rpm.dat (23,8 Mb)
file SEP_Linux_rpm.info (1,35 Kb)
file SEP_Mac.dat (49,17 Mb)
file SEP_Mac.info (1,25 Kb)
exe LUCHECK.EXE (1,1 Mb)
exe LUSETUP.EXE (4,11 Mb)
exe Setup.exe (1,45 Mb)
file Setup.ini (350 b)
msi Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager.msi (18,71 Mb)
file data1.cab (541,13 Mb)
file sav.xml (719 b)
file sep_OD.slf (920 b)
file sep_trial.slf (913 b)
file sep_upgrade.slf (889 b)
SEPx64 (20 файлов)
CommonAppData (2 файла)
Symc (1 файл)
Name (1 файл)
Version (1 файл)
Data (7 файлов)
BASH (4 файла)
file BASHIntl.000 (1,47 Kb)
file BASHIntl.dat (1,47 Kb)
file BASHOpts.000 (8,41 Kb)
file BASHOpts.dat (8,41 Kb)
Config (16 файлов)
file COUNTRY.DAT (3,88 Kb)
file Dec3.cfg (640 b)
file EoC.xsd (13,6 Kb)
file PLATFORM.DAT (103 b)
file Scancfg.dat (492 b)
file SyLink.xml (614 b)
file TSysConf.xml (182 b)
file cltdef.dat (64,61 Kb)
file default.dat (34,33 Kb)
file prodcltdef.dat (64,61 Kb)
file prodserdef.dat (33,44 Kb)
file protection.dat (21,77 Kb)
file protection64.dat (25,31 Kb)
file sdi.dat (1,25 Kb)
file serdef.dat (33,44 Kb)
file stddef.dat (34,33 Kb)
IPS (3 файла)
file IDSSettg.dat (2,63 Kb)
file NGFW_CONFIG.dat (2 Kb)
file PEP_RUL.DAT (3 Kb)
IRON (1 файл)
file Iron.db (21 Kb)
SRTSP (1 файл)
file SRTSPP.DAT (32,33 Kb)
symnetdrv (8 файлов)
file CONFIG_CUR.dat (90,5 Kb)
file CONFIG_ORG.dat (90,5 Kb)
file LOCALCONFIG_CUR.dat (3 Kb)
file LOCALCONFIG_ORG.dat (3 Kb)
file LocationMap.dat (2 Kb)
file SET_CUR.dat (3,5 Kb)
file SET_ORG.dat (3 Kb)
file TrustDB.dat (2 Kb)
file SymPP.inf (743 b)
tags (2 файла)
file regid.1992-12.com.symantec_SEP.swidtag (16,87 Kb)
file regid.1992-12.com.symantec_SEP_Windows_Client_x64.swidtag (15,58 Kb)
Program Files (1 файл)
Symantec (1 файл)
Name (1 файл)
Version (5 файлов)
Bin (256 файлов)
Help (1 файл)
file ClientHelp.chm (349,74 Kb)
SPManifests (30 файлов)
file BASH.grd (230 b)
file BASH.sig (2,54 Kb)
file BASH.spm (2,59 Kb)
file SymEFA.grd (227 b)
file SymEFA.sig (3,23 Kb)
file SymEFA.spm (3,02 Kb)
file ccCommon.grd (234 b)
file ccCommon.sig (2,55 Kb)
file ccCommon.spm (2,03 Kb)
file ironx64.grd (233 b)
file ironx64.sig (2,54 Kb)
file ironx64.spm (1,28 Kb)
file scs-sav.grd (301 b)
file scs-sav.sig (3,24 Kb)
file scs-sav.spm (48,88 Kb)
file sep-msi.grd (233 b)
file sep-msi.sig (2,21 Kb)
file sep-msi.spm (640 b)
file sep-saep.grd (302 b)
file sep-saep.sig (3,24 Kb)
file sep-saep.spm (8,74 Kb)
file srt.grd (229 b)
file srt.sig (2,54 Kb)
file srt.spm (2,93 Kb)
file symelam.grd (288 b)
file symelam.sig (2,55 Kb)
file symelam.spm (1,42 Kb)
file symevnt.grd (233 b)
file symevnt.sig (2,22 Kb)
file symevnt.spm (3,77 Kb)
file AVHostPlugin.dll (3,71 Mb)
file AVMan.plg (68,63 Kb)
file AVProxy.dll (195,13 Kb)
file AVUtil.dll (50,13 Kb)
file AgentCore.dll (69,13 Kb)
file AppLearningMgr.dll (97,63 Kb)
file AtpiEim.dll (1,34 Mb)
file AtpiEimProxy.dll (135,13 Kb)
file AtpiMan.plg (99,63 Kb)
exe AutoExcl.exe (975,13 Kb)
file AvPluginImpl.dll (509,63 Kb)
file BHClient.dll (308,05 Kb)
file BHSvcPlg.dll (171,55 Kb)
file BashEim.dll (1,11 Mb)
file BashEimProxy.dll (134,63 Kb)
file BashMan.plg (89,63 Kb)
exe CATClean.exe (414,63 Kb)
file CIDSMan.plg (507,63 Kb)
file CIdsEim.dll (447,13 Kb)
exe Checksum.exe (764,63 Kb)
file CidsEimProxy.dll (111,63 Kb)
file CidsTrayStatus.dll (187,13 Kb)
file Cliproxy.dll (369,13 Kb)
file CommonMan.plg (48,13 Kb)
file Communicator.dll (1,54 Mb)
exe ControlAP.exe (426,13 Kb)
file CsrssDrvLoadDll.dll (215,13 Kb)
file DSCli.dll (776,05 Kb)
exe DWHWizrd.exe (138,13 Kb)
file DataMan.dll (92,63 Kb)
file DefUtDCD.dll (485,05 Kb)
file DevMan.plg (167,13 Kb)
exe DevViewer.exe (2,44 Mb)
exe DoScan.exe (126,63 Kb)
file DotNetHookDll.dll (19,13 Kb)
file DotNetHookDllCs.dll (48,63 Kb)
file DuLuCbk.dll (84,63 Kb)
file EDRMgr.dll (312,63 Kb)
file EFACli.dll (105,21 Kb)
exe EFAInst.exe (5,53 Mb)
file ELAMCli.dll (65,55 Kb)
file EdrCmp.dll (3,16 Mb)
file EdrIpc.dll (43,63 Kb)
file EimLoader.dll (117,13 Kb)
file EntitlementMan.plg (69,13 Kb)
file ExchngUI.ocx (142,63 Kb)
file FWTrayStatus.dll (210,63 Kb)
exe FixExtend.exe (40,63 Kb)
file FwsVpn.dll (212,63 Kb)
file GEDataStore.dll (313,63 Kb)
file GUProxy.plg (300,63 Kb)
file HITrayStatus.dll (71,63 Kb)
file HPPProtectionProviderUI.dll (540,63 Kb)
file HidMan.plg (54,13 Kb)
file IDSAux.dll (111,05 Kb)
file IPSPlug.dll (146,05 Kb)
file IdsTrafficPipe.dll (238,13 Kb)
file Iron.dll (629,55 Kb)
file IronDataMigration.dll (292,05 Kb)
file IronUser.dll (62,05 Kb)
file LDDateTm.ocx (146,63 Kb)
file LDVPCtls.ocx (495,13 Kb)
file LDVPDlgs.ocx (439,13 Kb)
file LPSSvc.dll (59,13 Kb)
file LUMan.plg (542,63 Kb)
file LUSub.dll (75,05 Kb)
file LicenseMan.dll (2,92 Mb)
file LocalRep.plg (46,63 Kb)
file LuAuth.dll (63,13 Kb)
file LuCtl.dll (55,55 Kb)
file LuEng.dll (1,26 Mb)
file LuSvc.dll (64,55 Kb)
file LueEim.dll (773,63 Kb)
file LueEimProxy.dll (185,63 Kb)
exe MigrateUserScans.exe (112,13 Kb)
file NTRMan.plg (140,63 Kb)
file NTRMgr.dll (62,63 Kb)
file NacManager.plg (94,13 Kb)
file NetDscvr.dll (543,02 Kb)
file NetSecHstPlugin.dll (640,13 Kb)
file NetSecMan.plg (126,13 Kb)
file Netport.dll (148,13 Kb)
file OutlookSessionPlugin.dll (52,63 Kb)
file PSSensor.dll (43,63 Kb)
file PTPTrayStatus.dll (31,13 Kb)
exe PatchWrap.exe (44,63 Kb)
file PatchWrapPS.dll (24,63 Kb)
file PchCmp.dll (3,16 Mb)
file PchMgr.dll (2,1 Mb)
file ProfileManagement.dll (247,63 Kb)
file ProfileManagementClient.dll (113,63 Kb)
file ProfileMgrMan.plg (70,13 Kb)
file ProtectionProviderPS.dll (47,13 Kb)
file ProtectionUtil.dll (277,13 Kb)
file ProxyClt.dll (112,13 Kb)
file PushInst.dll (341,52 Kb)
file QsInfo.dll (79,63 Kb)
file RebootMgrEim.dll (324,13 Kb)
file RebootMgrEimProxy.dll (107,13 Kb)
file RebootMgrMan.plg (97,13 Kb)
file RepMgtEimProxy.dll (69,13 Kb)
file RepMgtMan.plg (55,13 Kb)
file RepMgtTim.dll (184,13 Kb)
file ReportSubmission.dll (116,63 Kb)
exe RtvStart.exe (33,63 Kb)
file RunOnceSessionPlugin.dll (56,13 Kb)
file SAEPSvcHstPlugin.dll (87,63 Kb)
file SAVSesHlp.dll (139,13 Kb)
file SAVStatusFinder.dll (47,63 Kb)
file SAVTrayStatus.dll (31,13 Kb)
file SDPCK32I.dll (178,24 Kb)
file SEPJobController.dll (48,63 Kb)
file SEPOutlookAddin.dll (234,13 Kb)
file SEPSessionPlugin.dll (362,63 Kb)
file SETDAD.Collector.exe.config (317 b)
exe SETDAD.Collector.exe (134,63 Kb)
file SETDADCollNatDll.dll (134,13 Kb)
file SISCustomActionBash.dll (186,13 Kb)
file SISCustomActionCIDS.dll (148,13 Kb)
file SISCustomActionCloud.dll (429,13 Kb)
file SISCustomActionKManager.dll (200,13 Kb)
file SISCustomActionLUE.dll (148,13 Kb)
file SISCustomActionSMC.dll (177,63 Kb)
file SISCustomActionSaep.dll (244,13 Kb)
file SISCustomActionScanSettings.dll (161,63 Kb)
exe SISStatusDlg.exe (116,13 Kb)
file SMCTrayStatus.dll (86,63 Kb)
file SMRHandler.dll (282,13 Kb)
file SNACTrayStatus.dll (71,13 Kb)
file SNDSvc.dll (276,05 Kb)
file SRTSPP.DAT (32,33 Kb)
exe SRTSP_CA.exe (511,05 Kb)
file SavMainUI.dll (1,59 Mb)
exe SavUI.exe (223,13 Kb)
exe SepLiveUpdate.exe (41,63 Kb)
file SepManagementClient.dll (6,02 Mb)
exe SepStub.exe (487,63 Kb)
file SessionShutdown.dll (33,63 Kb)
file SfMan.plg (970,63 Kb)
file SgHI.dll (567,13 Kb)
exe Smc.exe (630,26 Kb)
exe SmcGui.exe (1,29 Mb)
file SmcImpl.dll (31,13 Kb)
file SpNet.dll (410,13 Kb)
file SpocClnt.dll (645,63 Kb)
file SticLdr.dll (48,13 Kb)
file SubmissionBinding.dll (1,08 Mb)
file SubmissionsEim.dll (1,28 Mb)
file SubmissionsEimProxy.dll (150,13 Kb)
file SubmissionsMan.plg (86,13 Kb)
file SubmissionsSISCustomAction.dll (189,63 Kb)
file SubmissionsSISOptOutCustomAction.dll (186,13 Kb)
file SyLinkSymInterfaceProxy.dll (48,63 Kb)
file SyLog.dll (142,13 Kb)
exe SylinkDrop.exe (403,13 Kb)
exe SymCorpUI.exe (1,31 Mb)
file SymDeltaDll.dll (422,13 Kb)
file SymDltCl.dll (269,55 Kb)
file SymElamEim.dll (267,63 Kb)
file SymElamEimProxy.dll (70,13 Kb)
file SymElamMan.plg (62,13 Kb)
file SymElamProviderUI.dll (59,13 Kb)
file SymNeti.dll (361,55 Kb)
file SymPP.dll (112,63 Kb)
file SymRdrSv.dll (68,05 Kb)
file SymRedir.dll (85,55 Kb)
file SymVPN.dll (472,13 Kb)
file SymVPNImpl.dll (415,63 Kb)
file TDADMan.plg (86,63 Kb)
file TDADSvcHstPlugin.dll (515,63 Kb)
file Toast.dll (93,63 Kb)
file Trident.dll (769,13 Kb)
file TrstZone.dll (58,05 Kb)
file Tse.dll (777,63 Kb)
file VRMgr.dll (106,63 Kb)
exe WFPUnins.exe (466,55 Kb)
file WGXMAN.DLL (53,63 Kb)
exe WSCSAvNotifier.exe (93,14 Kb)
file atl110.dll (160,57 Kb)
file ccAlert.dll (234,71 Kb)
file ccErrDsp.dll (108,21 Kb)
file ccGEvt.dll (298,71 Kb)
file ccGLog.dll (216,21 Kb)
file ccIPC.dll (175,71 Kb)
file ccJobMgr.dll (422,21 Kb)
file ccLib.dll (695,21 Kb)
file ccSEBind.dll (1,32 Mb)
file ccScanw.dll (2,27 Mb)
file ccSet.dll (374,21 Kb)
file ccSubEng.dll (335,21 Kb)
file ccSvc.dll (161,71 Kb)
exe ccSvcHst.exe (155,36 Kb)
file ccVrTrst.dll (97,21 Kb)
file csdk.dll (758,63 Kb)
file csdkEDR.dll (168,13 Kb)
file csdkPCH.dll (2,21 Mb)
file csdkVR.dll (494,13 Kb)
file csrssdll32.dll (1,01 Mb)
file dec_abi.dll (1,9 Mb)
file diArkive.dll (550,67 Kb)
file dwLdPntScan.dll (43,13 Kb)
exe elaminst.exe (710,55 Kb)
file hwiddll.dll (167,63 Kb)
file i2ldvp3.dll (91,13 Kb)
file isolate.ini (84 b)
file ldvpui.ocx (220,63 Kb)
file libcurl-openssl.dll (361,13 Kb)
file libcurl-wintls.dll (378,13 Kb)
file libeay32.dll (1,23 Mb)
file libxml2.dll (1,08 Mb)
file mfc110.dll (4,22 Mb)
file mfc110chs.dll (45,08 Kb)
file mfc110cht.dll (45,08 Kb)
file mfc110deu.dll (73,08 Kb)
file mfc110enu.dll (63,58 Kb)
file mfc110esn.dll (72,08 Kb)
file mfc110fra.dll (73,08 Kb)
file mfc110ita.dll (71,08 Kb)
file mfc110jpn.dll (52,58 Kb)
file mfc110kor.dll (52,08 Kb)
file mfc110rus.dll (69,08 Kb)
file mfc110u.dll (4,25 Mb)
file mfcm110.dll (81,07 Kb)
file mfcm110u.dll (81,08 Kb)
file msl.dll (332,21 Kb)
file msvcp110.dll (522,47 Kb)
file msvcr110.dll (854,95 Kb)
file nnewdefs.dll (62,63 Kb)
file patch25d.dll (94,05 Kb)
file qscomm32.dll (185,63 Kb)
file qspak32.dll (195,63 Kb)
exe roru.exe (1,39 Mb)
file rtvscanPS.dll (93,63 Kb)
file scandlgs.dll (1,13 Mb)
file sds_loader_x86.dll (298,55 Kb)
file sepduhandler.dll (105,63 Kb)
exe setiCollect.exe (1,45 Mb)
file sfConfig.dll (224,63 Kb)
file sis.dll (1,98 Mb)
file sms.dll (230,63 Kb)
file snacnp.dll (81,63 Kb)
file sqscr.dll (63,02 Kb)
file sqsvc.dll (1,81 Mb)
file srtsp32.dll (970,05 Kb)
file srtspscan.dll (704,05 Kb)
file ssleay32.dll (286,13 Kb)
exe symerr.exe (90,02 Kb)
file symv8.dll (3,54 Mb)
file sysfer32.dll (422,13 Kb)
file tfman.dll (89,63 Kb)
file tseConfig.dll (544,13 Kb)
file vccorlib110.dll (246,48 Kb)
file vpmsece.dll (485,63 Kb)
file webshell.dll (172,63 Kb)
Bin64 (74 файла)
SPManifests (6 файлов)
file cids.grd (230 b)
file cids.sig (2,55 Kb)
file cids.spm (2,5 Kb)
file sndx64.grd (232 b)
file sndx64.sig (2,55 Kb)
file sndx64.spm (3,66 Kb)
TeeferVista (3 файла)
file teefer.cat (8,26 Kb)
file teefer.inf (2,99 Kb)
file teefer.sys (132,89 Kb)
TeeferWin8 (3 файла)
file teefer.cat (10,12 Kb)
file teefer.inf (2,99 Kb)
file teefer.sys (129,88 Kb)
file AgentCore.dll (88,13 Kb)
file AvPluginImpl.dll (588,63 Kb)
file CsrssDrv.sys (314,27 Kb)
file DefUtDCD.dll (571,55 Kb)
exe DevManStub.exe (24,13 Kb)
file DotNetHookDll.dll (19,63 Kb)
file DotNetHookDllCs.dll (48,63 Kb)
file EFACli64.dll (132,71 Kb)
file FwsVpn.dll (217,13 Kb)
file PatchWrap64PS.dll (25,13 Kb)
file ProtectionProviderPS64.dll (55,63 Kb)
file RasSymEap64.dll (94,13 Kb)
exe RegSSHelper.exe (28,63 Kb)
file SEPJobController.dll (52,63 Kb)
exe SEPModuleList.exe (104,63 Kb)
file SEPOutlookAddin.dll (263,63 Kb)
file SETDADCollNatDll.dll (161,63 Kb)
exe SRTSP_CA.exe (623,05 Kb)
file SSHelper64.dll (4,09 Mb)
exe SessionStub.exe (44,63 Kb)
exe Sevntx64.exe (366,59 Kb)
file SyDvCtrl64.sys (43,52 Kb)
file SymNAPSHAgent64.dll (99,63 Kb)
file SymRasMan64.dll (653,63 Kb)
file SymVPN.dll (593,13 Kb)
file SymVPNImpl.dll (521,63 Kb)
file SysPlant.sys (225,35 Kb)
file Toast.dll (405,13 Kb)
exe ToastUI.exe (58,63 Kb)
file WGX64.SYS (45,4 Kb)
file WGXMAN64.DLL (60,63 Kb)
file atl110.dll (188,07 Kb)
file ccGEvt.dll (426,21 Kb)
file ccGLog.dll (296,21 Kb)
file ccIPC.dll (245,71 Kb)
file ccLib.dll (1005,71 Kb)
file ccSet.dll (489,71 Kb)
file ccSvc.dll (239,71 Kb)
file ccVrTrst.dll (124,71 Kb)
file csrssdll64.dll (1,14 Mb)
exe dot1xtray64.exe (58,63 Kb)
file hwiddll.dll (205,63 Kb)
exe installTeefer.exe (1,28 Mb)
file mfc110.dll (5,33 Mb)
file mfc110chs.dll (45,08 Kb)
file mfc110cht.dll (45,08 Kb)
file mfc110deu.dll (73,08 Kb)
file mfc110enu.dll (63,58 Kb)
file mfc110esn.dll (72,08 Kb)
file mfc110fra.dll (73,08 Kb)
file mfc110ita.dll (71,08 Kb)
file mfc110jpn.dll (52,58 Kb)
file mfc110kor.dll (52,08 Kb)
file mfc110rus.dll (69,08 Kb)
file mfc110u.dll (5,36 Mb)
file mfcm110.dll (88,07 Kb)
file mfcm110u.dll (88,08 Kb)
file msvcp110.dll (645,95 Kb)
file msvcr110.dll (829,45 Kb)
file rtvscanPS64.dll (114,13 Kb)
exe sepWscSvc64.exe (1,74 Mb)
exe sisnat.exe (431,63 Kb)
exe smcinst.exe (1,01 Mb)
exe snac64.exe (382,63 Kb)
file snacnp.dll (92,13 Kb)
file srtsp64.dll (1,13 Mb)
file srtspscan.dll (861,05 Kb)
file syDvCtrl.Inf (2,19 Kb)
file sysfer64.dll (490,63 Kb)
file vccorlib110.dll (345,96 Kb)
file vpshell2.dll (790,13 Kb)
Res (4 файла)
19 (1 файл)
01 (5 файлов)
file rcAlert.dll (60,71 Kb)
file rcEmlPxy.dll (21,71 Kb)
file rcErrDsp.dll (31,21 Kb)
file rcSvcHst.dll (17,21 Kb)
file sqRes.loc (57,52 Kb)
1049 (54 файла)
file AVManRes.dll (19,13 Kb)
file ActaRes.dll (159,13 Kb)
file AvPluginImplRes.dll (19,13 Kb)
file CIDSManRes.dll (29,13 Kb)
file CIdsEimRes.dll (21,13 Kb)
file ControlAPRes.dll (19,13 Kb)
file DWHWizrdRes.dll (405,63 Kb)
file DevManRes.dll (22,13 Kb)
file DoScanRes.dll (23,63 Kb)
file ExchngUIRes.dll (28,63 Kb)
file GUProxyRes.dll (21,13 Kb)
file HPPProtectionProviderUIRes.dll (34,63 Kb)
file LDDateTmRes.dll (24,13 Kb)
file LDVPCtlsRes.dll (393,63 Kb)
file LDVPDlgsRes.dll (758,63 Kb)
file LDVPUIRes.dll (71,63 Kb)
file LUManRes.dll (31,13 Kb)
file LicenseManRes.dll (18,63 Kb)
file LueEimRes.dll (558,63 Kb)
file NTRManRes.dll (17,63 Kb)
file NacManagerRes.dll (17,13 Kb)
file NetSecHstPluginRes.dll (19,63 Kb)
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zip SMRDefs.zip (1,83 Mb)
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file RMM_Mgt0017.html (6,55 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0018.html (6,63 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0019.html (4,29 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0020.html (6,92 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0021.html (6,07 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0022.html (6,66 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0023.html (5,19 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0024.html (13,05 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0025.html (7,79 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0026.html (7,27 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0027.html (7,01 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0028.html (8,77 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0029.html (3,53 Kb)
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file RMM_Mgt0032.html (6,01 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0033.html (4,94 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0034.html (10,17 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0035.html (3,87 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0036.html (5,27 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0037.html (4,83 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0038.html (4,61 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0039.html (4,12 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0040.html (3,6 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0041.html (3,68 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0042.html (15,24 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0043.html (13,46 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0044.html (3,97 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0045.html (8,41 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0046.html (4,49 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0047.html (6,84 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0048.html (5,04 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0049.html (8,52 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0050.html (4,02 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0051.html (15,25 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0052.html (9,66 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0053.html (12,29 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0054.html (7,06 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0055.html (12,99 Kb)
file RMM_Mgt0056.html (10,21 Kb)
file index.html (1001 b)
file wghelp.css (8,02 Kb)
Sample_Code (1 файл)
PowerShell (11 файлов)
common (3 файла)
file ConvertFrom-JSON.ps1 (2,48 Kb)
file Get-SepmRmmWebService.ps1 (1,68 Kb)
file Get-SepmRmmWsAccessToken.ps1 (10,66 Kb)
file ClientServiceTest.ps1 (1,64 Kb)
file CommandServiceTest.ps1 (4,23 Kb)
file Config.xml (988 b)
txt Disclaimer.txt (440 b)
file LicenseServiceTest.ps1 (2,55 Kb)
file LiveUpdateServiceTest.ps1 (2,09 Kb)
file PolicyServiceTest.ps1 (2,3 Kb)
file RunAllTests.ps1 (1,43 Kb)
file Write-TokenToConfig.ps1 (2,55 Kb)
txt readme.txt (1,92 Kb)
WSDL (10 файлов)
file ClientService.wsdl (14,65 Kb)
file ClientService_schema1.xsd (9,84 Kb)
file CommandService.wsdl (28,31 Kb)
file CommandService_schema1.xsd (15,26 Kb)
file LicenseService.wsdl (3,18 Kb)
file LicenseService_schema1.xsd (2,49 Kb)
file LiveUpdateService.wsdl (4,74 Kb)
file LiveUpdateService_schema1.xsd (2,52 Kb)
file PolicyService.wsdl (9,4 Kb)
file PolicyService_schema1.xsd (4,38 Kb)
txt Readme.txt (2,16 Kb)
file Autorun.inf (28 b)
doc License.doc (170,5 Kb)
file Release_Notes.html (25,75 Kb)
exe Setup.exe (148,63 Kb)

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